Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Week 9: Thing 21 -- Podcasts

Originally uploaded by Alain Astruc

Free podcasting software, like Audacity, gives folks a voice--much the same way Blogger did when weblogs first took off.

Just a short time ago, we could only hope to read about someone's misadventures with their cat.

Now, thanks to podcasts, we can hear them describe it in their own whiny voice.

I heart technology.

Seriously, though...Podcast Alley led me to the Hollywood Saloon.

Yahoo!podcasts led me to the library-related podcast, Open Stacks, as well as, the super-cool Architecture Radio which features--public lectures on architecture and issues effecting the built environment.

I subscribed to the RSS/podcast feed with my Bloglines account and was pleasantly surprised to discover that within each new Bloglines entry there is a player to listen to each podcast. This was unexpected and convenient.

[NOTE: A few days have passed. Greg, the creator of Open Stacks, left me a comment. (Cool!) He has a new site and new podcast. Check it out at Uncontrolled Vocabulary.]

1 comment:

Greg Schwartz said...

Hey thanks for the linkage to Open Stacks. Thought I'd point out that I'm not really doing the Open Stacks podcast anymore, but have an even better live, interactive weekly group library discussion called Uncontrolled Vocabulary:

And of course, it's available as a podcast.