Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New strategies for digital natives

Presenter: Helene Blowers, Library Bytes, Director of Digital Strategy at Columbus Metro Library

Slides here

Digital natives = born after 1980

Web 1.0: find, access and chase information
Web 2.0: connect, engage, share and create information

Access and engagement have always been their reality.
Their digital identities are the same as in-person (...though they may use avatars to test the waters of emerging technologies.)

The Kid who made Obama, social media article from current issue Fast Company

Libraries can teach communities to stop chasing information and how to get information to come to them (via RSS, online alerts, etc). Libraries provide spaces and places to create.

Check out: Digitalnative.org

9 realities of digital natives
Info Quality

Top 5 social networks (Jan 09): Facebook, MySpace, Flixter, Twitter, LinkedIn

Book recommendation: Ren Gen

93% of Teens are online
2/3rds of online teens create content like photos, posts and remixed content

In the new environment, information quality shifts from authoritative control to collaborative control with an increase in social responsibility. Study which appeared in Nature found that Britannica has the same average number of mistakes as Wikipedia. Britannica has since added a wiki element recognizing the importance of collaborative control.

According to an OCLC survey, individuals learn about electronic information sources from friends 61% of the time, from librarians 8% of the time.

There are no barriers.
The playing field is leveled.
Access is universal.
Connection is ubiquitous.
It’s all about me.
= opportunity

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